Thursday, January 15, 2009

Types of Software Systems

4. Types of Software Systems

The type of software system refers to the processing that will be performed by that system. This contains the following software system types.

4.1 Batch Systems
The Batch Systems are a set of programs that perform certain activities which do not require any input from the user.

4.2 Event Control Systems
Event Control Systems process real time data to provide the user with results for what command (s) he is given.
For example, when you type on the word document and press Ctrl + S, this tells the computer to save the document. How this is performed instantaneously? These

real time command communications to the computer are provided by the Event Controls that are pre-defined in the system.

4.3 Process Control Systems
There are two or more different systems that communicate to provide the end user a specific utility. When two systems communicate, the co-ordination or data

transfer becomes vital. Process Control Systems are the one’s which receive data from a different system and instructs the system which sent the data to perform

specific tasks based on the reply sent by the system which received the data.

4.4 Procedure Control Systems
Procedure Control Systems are the one’s which control the functions of another system.

4.5 Advanced Mathematical Models
Systems, which make use of heavy mathematics, fall into the category of Mathematical Models. Usually all the computer software make use of mathematics in some

way or the other. But, Advance Mathematical Models can be classified when there is heavy utilization of mathematics for performing certain actions. An example of

Advanced Mathematical Model can be simulation systems which uses graphics and controls the positioning of software on the monitor or Decision and Strategy
making software’s.

4.6 Message Processing Systems
A simple example is the SMS management software used by Mobile operator’s which handle incoming and outgoing messages. Another system, which is
noteworthy is the system used by paging companies.

4.7 Diagnostic Software Systems
The Diagnostic Software System is one that helps in diagnosing the computer hardware components.
When you plug in a new device to your computer and start it, you can see the diagnostic software system doing some work. The “New Hardware Found” dialogue
can be seen as a result of this system. Today, almost all the Operating System’s come packed with Diagnostic Software Systems.

4.8 Sensor and Signal Processing Systems
The message processing systems help in sending and receiving messages. The Sensor and Signal Processing Systems are more complex because these systems make
use of mathematics for signal processing. In a signal processing system the computer receives input in the form of signals and then transforms the signals to a user
understandable output.

4.9 Simulation Systems
A simulation system is a software application, some times used in combination with specialized hardware, which re-creates or simulates the complex behavior of a
system in its real environment. It can be defined in many ways:
"The process of designing a model of a real system and conducting experiments with this model for the purpose of understanding the behavior of the system and/or
evaluating various strategies for the operation of the system"-- Introduction to Simulation Using SIMAN, by C. D. Pegden, R. E. Shannon and R. P. Sadowski,

McGraw-Hill, 1990.

“A simulation is a software package (sometimes bundled with special hardware input devices) that re-creates or simulates, albeit in a simplified manner, a complex

phenomena, environment, or experience, providing the user with the opportunity for some new level of understanding. It is interactive, and usually grounded in some

objective reality. A simulation is based on some underlying computational model of the phenomena, environment, or experience that it is simulating. (In fact, some

authors use model and modeling as synonyms of simulation.)" --Kurt Schumaker, A Taxonomy of Simulation Software." Learning Technology Review.

4.10 Database Management Systems
As the name denotes, the Database Management Systems (DBMS) handles the management of databases. It is basically a collection of programs that enable the

storage, modification and extraction from the Database. The DBMS, as they are often referred to as, can be of various different types ranging from small systems

that run on PC’s to Mainframe’s. The following can be categorized as example of DBMS:
· Computerized Library Systems.
· Automated Teller Machines.
· Passenger Reservation Systems.
· Inventory Systems.

4.11 Data Acquisition
Data Acquisition systems, taken in real time data and store them for future use. A simple example of Data Acquisition system can be a ATC (Air Traffic Control)

Software which takes in real time data of the position and speed of the flight and stores it in compressed form for later use.

4.12 Data Presentation
Data Presentation software stores data and displays the same to the user when required. An example is a Content Management System. You have a web site and

this is in English, you also have your web site in other languages. The user can select the language he wishes to see and the system displays the same web site in the

user chosen language. You develop your web site in various languages and store them on the system. The system displays the required language, the user chooses.

4.13 Decision and Planning Systems
These systems use Artificial Intelligence techniques to provide decision-making solutions to the user.

4.14 Pattern and Image Processing Systems
These systems are used for scanning, storing, modifying and displaying graphic images. The use of such systems is now being increased as research tests are being
conducted in visual modeling and their use in our daily lives is increasing. These systems are used for security requests such as diagnosing photograph, thumb
impression of the visitor etc.

4.15 Computer System Software Systems
These are the normal computer software’s, that can be used for various purposes.

4.16 Software Development Tools
These systems ease the process of Software Development.

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