Monday, January 19, 2009

Types of Metrics used in Testing

What are different types of metrics used in testing ?

1. User Participation : used to find the involvement of the tester
= Participation test time Vs Total test time

2. Path testing = Number of path tested / total number of paths

3. Acceptance criteria tested = Acceptance criteria verfied Vs total Acceptance criteria
This meets identifies the number of user that were evaluated during the testing process

4. Test cost : used to find resources consumed in the testing
= test cost Vs total system cost
This meets identifies the amount of resources used in testing process

5. Cost to locate defect = test cost / number of defects located in the testing
This metrics shows the costto locate a defect

6. Detected production defect = number of defects detected in production / Application systen size

7. Test automation = Cost of manual test effort / Total test cost

8. Schedule variance = (Actual time taken - Planned time) / Planned time * 100

9. Effort variance = (Actual effort - Planned Effort)/Planned effort * 100

10. Test case efficiency = (Total STRs - STRs not mapped)/Total STRs * 100

11. Test case coverage = (Total Test cases - STRs that cannot be mapped to test cases)/ Total Test Cases * 100

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