Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Test Cases For Login Window

How to write test case of Login window ?

To check whether the entered User name and Password are vaild or Invaild PREPAIRED BY TESTERINFO
TEST CASE NO:- Authentication
Step No Steps Data Expected Results Actual Results

1 Enter User Name and press LOGIN Button User Name= COES Should Display Warning Message Box "Please Enter User name and Password"

2 Enter Password and press LOGIN Button Password= COES Should Display Warning Message Box "Please Enter User name and Password"

3 "Enter user Nameand Password and press LOGIN Button" "USER = COES AND Password = XYZ" Should Display Warning Message Box "Please Enter User name and Password"

4 Enter user Name and Password and press LOGIN Button "USER = XYX AND Password = COES" Should Display Warning Message Box "Please Enter User name and Password"

5 "Enter user Name and Password and press LOGIN Button" "USER = XYZ AND Password = XYZ" Should Display Warning Message Box "Please Enter User name and Password"

6 "Enter user Name and Password and press LOGIN Button" "USER ="" "" AND Password = "" """ Should Display Warning Message Box "Please Enter User name and Password"

7 Enter User Name and Password and press LOGIN Button "USER = COES AND Password = COES" Should navigate to CoesCategoryList.asp page.

8 Enter User Name and Password and press LOGIN Button "USER = ADMIN AND Password = ADMIN" Should navigate to Maintenance page page. I Hope

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