Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Test Cases For Computer Keyboard

write a test case for computer keyboard

useriNterface case:
check the clor of the key board
check the color of letters on the keys
check the height and width of the key board
keyboard keys should be as per the ANSI standard
keyboard should be plateform independent
keys are mapping with the commands
check the serial or parallel port
check if keybooard is detect by all bios setup
check that keyboard can be plugged into all PS/2 ports made by different manufacturers
check if keyboard is working without any driver installed ( assuming a normal keyboard )
check the total no of keys in that keyboard
check the keyboard wire length

functional case:
check if light glows when num lock is on
check if light glows when caps is on
check if key board can be connnected to CPU using cable.
check the functionality of all the numaric keys on key board(when pressed that particulay number should be dispalyed on the moniter)
check the functionality of all the character keys on key board(when pressed that particulay character should be dispalyed on the moniter)
check the functionality of caps,shift,ctrl,alt key.
check if all the keys on the right side(numaric are functionaning well)
check the functionality of arrown keys
check the functionality with ctrl+(any key) combination of keys
check the functionality with shift +(any key) combination of keys
check the print screen keythere are
check the keyboard color i.e white or black
many more case like this...

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