Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Defect Metrics

Few of the Defect Metrics are:

Defect Density: (No. Of Defects Reported by SQA + No. Defects Reported By Peer Review)/Actual Size.
The Size can be in KLOC, SLOC, or Function Points. The method used in the Organization to measure the size of the Software Product.
The SQA is considered to be the part of the Software testing team.

Test effectiveness: ‘t / (t+Uat) where t=total no. of defects reported during testing and Uat = total no. of defects reported during User acceptance testing
User Acceptance Testing is generally carried out using the Acceptance Test Criteria according to the Acceptance Test Plan.

Defect Removal Efficiency:
(Total No Of Defects Removed /Total No. Of Defects Injected)*100 at various stages of SDLC
This metric will indicate the effectiveness of the defect identification and removal in stages for a given projectFormula

· Requirements: DRE = [(Requirement defects corrected during Requirements phase) / (Requirement defects injected during Requirements phase)] * 100

· Design: DRE = [(Design defects corrected during Design phase) / (Defects identified during Requirements phase + Defects injected during Design phase)] * 100

· Code: DRE = [(Code defects corrected during Coding phase) / (Defects identified during Requirements phase + Defects identified during Design phase + Defects injected during coding phase)] * 100

· Overall: DRE = [(Total defects corrected at all phases before delivery) / (Total defects detected at all phases before and after delivery)] * 100

Metric Representation

Calculated at
Stage completion or Project Completion

Calculated from
Bug Reports and Peer Review Reports

Defect Distribution: Percentage of Total defects Distributed across Requirements Analysis, Design Reviews, Code Reviews, Unit Tests, Integration Tests, System Tests, User Acceptance Tests, Review by Project Leads and Project Managers.

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